Lone Worker App

Seki.ai Platform with Lone Worker App

Simple integration

Simple and fast API implementation with existing systems and future technologies

Unlock value

Potentially revenue savings through digital transformation to automate manual operations

Staff engagement

Reduce bureaucracy and make work easier for your teams through better connectivity

Remove blind spots

Gain real-time visibility of your workforce and manage operations remotely

Visibility at every level

Drill down from global to micro and view operations with accurate detail in real time

Data in a single system

Guaranteed accuracy of data across multiple functions in a single platform

Seki.ai Solution Process

Lone Worker App

Locate and safeguard your people anywhere

Journey Management

Build a clearer picture of what’s happening in real-time

Portal Walkthrough

Provide swift assistance when a situation emerges

Seki.ai 24/7 Response Centre

Single point of contact for emergency response and escalation for lone workers

  • 24/7/365 UK Response Centre based in Aberdeen providing monitoring and response services for more than £50bn worth of assets in the UK and globally.
  • Control Room staffed with experienced control room operators (CRO’s).
  • CRO’s come from backgrounds in emergency services and have skills to remain calm and provide immediate critical support required.
  • CRO’s would receive incident alerts and follow client specific operational instructions in response to specific alert notifications (e.g. geofence breach, call for  assistance).
  • Escalation can involve immediate support, contact of security, police or other protocols.
  • Facility incudes comprehensive IT security, backup comms, UPS and a full backup facility is maintained 24/7/365. Facility has maintained a continuous uptime of  more than 10 years.

24/7 Lone Worker Management & Response

Single point of contact for emergency response and escalation for lone workers

  • 24/7 Monitoring and Response of 500+ lone workers working in hostile environments in New Zealand
  • Providing immediate critical support and escalation management with bespoke protocols
  • Use of Seki.ai Lone Worker App
  • Assuring safety of workers, protecting the people, assets and reputation of the company.
  • Initiated in 2017.
  • 24/7 instant response to all incidents, despite client being on different time zone / part of the world.

Discover More

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our team for more information about any of our products.
